How To Have Flawless Fashion Style and Not Loose Your Mind This Spring

Welcome back to my first spring edition post. Hallelujah that winter is over!

I want to introduce you to something I started at the beginning of this year which has been so helpful to level up my personal style.
It is to create a mood board for my fashion style at the start of each season.
You may think that’s a little over the top however fashion is not my area of expertise and I need a little extra help in this department.

So I thought I would take you through my very easy 5 step process to get my fashion faux pas butt into very stylish gear.

Step 1. Find Inspiration

Now the fun begins!
Start by researching however you feel is the most enjoyable.
My go-to sources of fashion hits are:

  1. My Emails - No doubt you have signed up for a few (or many) different clothing store emails in the past. So check your inbox to see if they are already ahead of the curve and have sent your their capsule of ‘spring style’ for the upcoming season.

  2. Blog Posts - I noticed in my emails that my local shopping centre, ‘The Fashion Capital’ had actually curated a Spring Style Edit with my local brands. This made it easy to see in a snapshot what was trending across the major retailers in my area.

  3. Magazines - If you’re a tactile person, head to your local newsagency and pick up the latest copy of your desired fashion magazine. Flick through and tag or cut out your favourites.

  4. Social Media - I am a bit of an Instagram ‘save’ hoarder and even have a folder named ‘fashion’ for this very reason. It’s the same on my Pinterest, I have a folder where I quickly save something and can refer back to it at a later date. If you haven’t saved anything, no problem - just search the tags with ‘spring fashion’ and I’m sure you will find some inspiration online.

Step 2: Make it work for you!

Now that you have sat down and found some inspiration, it’s time to look back within.
Your spring fashion has to suit YOU.
So start screenshotting and collating what works best for you. For your body shape, lifestyle and needs.
I even take note if this season will be busy with ‘weddings’ or more ‘corporate trips’ and can intentionally focus on these areas.
Don’t forget that you do not need to follow every trend. I’m not in the business of wearing something trendy, only to throw it out in a couple of month’s time.
Your fashion choices need to work with you and hopefully, be used as staple pieces for many months or years to come.

Step 3: Notice the ongoing theme

Does denim keep popping up? A splash of pink?
Florals? Groundbreaking. IYKYK.
Keep note of what is repeating and you will slowly see the common thread in your spring style.
This means you can purchase key pieces that will be versatile to wear on many different occasions. So you don’t lose your mind.

Step 4: Create your Mood Board

Anyone who knows me - knows how much I adore a mood board.
They are my saving grace and ensure I do not go off track.
I’m not much of a shopper and if I do go in-store or fall down a rabbit hole of online shopping, I can easily make impulse purchases.
These are typically ‘just for fun’ and don’t necessarily work with other items in my closet.
So my secret weapon, create a mood board!

I use Canva to create mine digitally but feel free to create a tangible one by cutting out magazine clippings or printing images.

My Canva Template

I have created my own template so I can easily upload my inspirational images and play around with the look to get it working cohesively.
I can then see quickly if something stands out (in a bad way). Or if I want to include a certain colour, then how can I get smarter to infuse that colour into the larger theme.

Here is my final spring style mood board. You can see I even included actual products I may want to buy including the sneakers and green woolen knit.

Step 5: Refer. Refer. Refer.

Back to this at all times.
It’s my saving grace when shopping in-store and online.
I prefer to shop ‘in bulk’ rather than going back to the shopping centre every weekend.
So once this mood board is complete, I can make more purposeful and conscious decisions about what I’m purchasing.
Then slowly over the season, my wardrobe reflects this.

Creating a seasonal fashion Mood Board helps me when I’m planning my outfits for the week and even when I’m at the nail salon choosing polish colours. This helps me immensely and I hope it helps you too x


Winter in Byron Bay


Halls Gap Highlights